Good Morning everybody,..
Today noon I will upload a video of me making qui gong for you to follow,...
The excercises are very easy and can be followed by anyone at any age,...
this is a short sequence that you can follow everyday, and spare 10 minutes doing this workout with your body,.. surely your system will appreciate it,...
Sorry there wont be any music on this video but if you wish you can make your own,..
Essential is the breathing technic, as you inhale when starting the excercise and exhale when coming back to starting position... at the top of excercise you hold the posture for a maximum of 8 seconds and hold your breath, then exhale slowly.
by doing this you will allign your breathing with your movements and automaticalk get into a cool and smooth motion,..
make sure to wear comfortable clothes,..
this avi file to utube takes 4 hours for 12 minutes video,.. patienca,..
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