Samstag, 23. Februar 2019

How to make a healthy austrian " mohnstriezerl " bread at home

Hi  and GOOD MORNING from Vienna , Austria,..

Today i am going to show you how to make a bread from scratch with the things you probably have at home,..  This bread is gonna have a sheflife of 3 days staying soft and moist without any chemicals or additives,..
It is a healthy alternative to the supermarket breads and you can modify the receipy and see whats coming out of your creation,..  please comment if you need any more info,..

Here is your receipy and a detailed description on how to mix, bake and everything else you might find important to create your perfect bread,..
at a cost of about 2.50€ ingedients you will get 18 mohnsztriezerl that cost 1.60€ each at a local bakery at a total  28€  that saves you about 25€ each time you make it,.. so that also will make you happy and therefor also get you more in the Taoist lifestyle,..  :)

Receipy :  

350 g white wheat flour
350 g whole wheat flour
200 g gram flour
40 g fresh yeast
80 g sunflowerseed oil
25 g  sea salt or rock salt
400 g water lukewarm 
100 g flour for shaping the striezerls,..

at first we will need some flour,..
i am using 3 different types,.. to keep the dough healthy and fresh ,...

 then crash the rocksalt if you have .....  if not use seasalt,.. 
 add the salt
 add  sunflowerseed oil
 add the yeast,....  and handwarm not too warm,..  max 40C or 110 F water,... 
 start to mix at low speed in the begining,...

 this is too soft,.. !!!  you need to add 2 spoons of flour more !!!

 mix some more on slow speed,....

 That looks good,..   now you need to mix about 8 minutes at medium speed,.. make sure to sometimes stop the machine and scrape off the dough from the mixer so that it can mix bottom to top and visa verse ,.. 
 that is the perfect mixed dough,..  if you press your fingers in it and the shape stays like that,..  dont be shy ,..  😆
 setup your countertop with some flour so that the dough wont stick

weigh off 80 g pieces,.. or the size of a tennis ball

 roll them to nice little balls,.. abd make them rest for  minutes,..

 then you roll then into strings one by one,.. and let them rest again
 until 4 times the width of your hand,..
 start to shape the string
 hold exactly like this,...and pull through the string then,..  twist
 and push the string in the whole,..

 then you make the reat of the doughstrings.....

 until you have made all ready,.. 
 pour some poppy seeds or black kumin seeds ( are super healthy) in a plate, and some water in a second plate,...
 dip the striezels in the water first,.... not too deep,.. the water should only barely touch the striezeltop,
 then dip  in the seeds,....
 and put them on your bakingpaper laid bakingsheet,..

 cover them with a cloth and let this rest for 30 to 45 minutes at 30Cto 40C or 100 F
until they have gained about% on their volume,..  if your room is to cold,. place them beside your heater or in the sun ,.. or just be more patient and make them raise 2 hours ,.. below 20C or 70F you wont be able to rais them,.. so you will need to use the oven as a raising cabinet,.. (preheat on low temp for 5 minutes , then turn off,..

the raised striezel should look like these here,......
 then preheat the oven to 240C or 450F  for 10 minutes,..

 put some water in a muffinsheet to produce steam in the oven,..  this is an impoortant step, so the dough can get moist while baking and does not get hard immediately after entering the hot oven ,.. so it can continue to raise,..
 then slide in the striezels,..  see the muffintin on the bottom of the oven?

 bake for 10 to 12 minutes,..  until they look like this,.. 
 ready for your breakfast ???

 Jose my couchsurfer  is obviously enjoying them,..  
Bon Appetite,...  Jose gustas mucho

why is this bread in the Taoist lifestyle ???
Beause it is........fresh made
.................has no conserving chemicals in it
................uses fresh seeds you wont find on other breads
................has the love of your hand in it
................uses chickpeas flour as component
..................uses whole whesat flour
.................uses fresh yeast additives whatsoever

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